Looking for a bathroom revamp or a new installation? R. Howells Plumbing & Heating is able to be with you from step one, whether it be complete bathroom overhauls or an installation of a new bathroom.
The bathroom is one of the key aspects of a home and remodelling it might be one of the biggest projects you’ll undertake in your whole house. R. Howells Plumbing & Heating can safely and expertly install and update bathrooms with a professional eye for design to ensure that your new bathroom looks stunning.
Ryan can help you plan the layout of your bathroom and provide initial design assistance such as choosing the colour of tiles, caulk, grout, and fixtures. He can also help to rip out any existing bathroom features and return the room to a blank slate if required.
Once you've discussed and chosen your design, Ryan will then prime the bathroom for installation, such as laying the piping, electrical and HVAC within the walls and floors. The walls and ceilings will then be plastered, and the floor levelled out.
The floors and walls will be tiled in. Bathroom features and appliances will finally be put into place, such as the shower, bath, sink and toilet, as well as any additional fixtures such as mirrors and vanities.
Peruse some of the previous bathroom remodels for some inspiration as to how R. Howells Plumbing & Heating can help improve yours!
If you’re feeling bored with your current bathroom or needing an upgrade, R. Howells Plumbing & Heating is perfect for the job
Working Hours
Monday - Friday
08:30 - 18:00
08:30 - 13:00